Guess and Check #8

GC #9

GC #8 hints and answers

Pythagoras (the right triangle guy) discovered amicable or "friendly" numbers. Two positive integers are amicable if each is the sum of the proper divisors of the other. 284 is amicable with 220. What number is amicable to 1184?

  • Before you begin, it might help to remember that the divisors of a number are its whole number factors. In other words, the divisors are the numbers that "divide evenly" into the given number and leave no remainder.
  • So for example, the divisors of 10 are the numbers 1, 2, 5 and 10. No other numbers divide evenly into 10.
  • Also, the proper divisors of a number are the divisors that are less than the number.
  • So the proper divisors of 10 are 1, 2 and 5.
  • Before you try solving the problem about 1184, you should explain why 284 and 220 are amicable by listing all the divisors of 284 and showing that they add up to 220, and then listing all the divisors of 220 and showing that they add up to 284.
  • For a special challenge, can you find another pair of amicable numbers, besides 220 and 284, and 1184 and its mate? You'll have to look at some big numbers!

As always, be sure to explain the work you did to arrive at your answers!