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all versions are pre-publication drafts with eventual publication citations as listed

the author gratefully acknowledges the support of DARPA, the NSF, the AFOSR, and the ONR; of course, that doesn't mean they endorse what is written. neither does the university of pennsylvania. in fact, i don't think anyone except me and a few coauthors endorse the opinions expressed in these works. and even then, it's not a slam-dunk.



  1. [2010] R. Ghrist, J.B. Van den Berg, R. Vandervorst, and W. Wojcik, “Braid Floer homology,” submitted.
  2. [2010] R. Ghrist, “Configuration spaces, braids, and robotics,” Lecture Note Series, Inst. Math. Sci., NUS, vol. 19, World Scientific, 263-304.
  3. [2009] R. Ghrist and R. Vandervorst, “Braids and parabolic scalar PDEs,'' Transactions Amer. Math. Soc., 361, 2755-2788.
  4. [2006] R. Ghrist “Braids and differential equations,'' in Proc. International Congress of Mathematicians, vol. III, 1-26.
  5. [2004] R. Ghrist and E. Kin, “Flowlines transervse to knot and link fibrations,” Pacific J. Math., 217(1), 61-86.
  6. [2003] R. Ghrist, J.B.Van den Berg, and R.C. Vandervorst, “Morse theory on braids with applications to Lagrangian systems,” Invent. Math., 152(2), 369-432.
  7. [2001] R. Ghrist, “Configuration spaces of graphs and robotics,” in Braids, Links, and Mapping Class Groups: the Proceedings of Joan Birman's 70th Birthday, AMS/IP Studies in Mathematics, vol. 24, 29-40.
  8. [2000] R. Ghrist, J.B.Vandenberg, and R.C. Vandervorst, “Closed characteristics of fourth-order twist systems via braids,” C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I, 331, 861- 865.
  9. [2000] J. Etnyre and R. Ghrist,) “Contact topology and hydrodynamics III: knotted orbits,” Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 352, 5781-5794.
  10. [1999] J. Etnyre and R. Ghrist, “Plane field flows,” Comment. Math. Helv., 74, 507-529.
  11. [1999] J. Etnyre and R. Ghrist, “Stratified integrals and unknots in inviscid flows,” Cont. Math., 246,99-112.
  12. [1998] R. Ghrist and T. Young, “From Morse-Smale to all links,” Nonlinearity, 11, 1111-1125.
  13. [1998] R. Ghrist, “Chaotic knots and wild dynamics”, Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals, 9(4/5), 583-598.
  14. [1997] R. Ghrist, P. Holmes, and M. Sullivan, Knots and Links in Three-Dimensional Flows, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Volume 1654, Springer-Verlag.
  15. [1997] R. Ghrist, “Accumulations of infinite links,” Topology and its Applications, 81, 171-184.
  16. [1997] R. Ghrist, “Branched 2-manifolds supporting all links,” Topology, 36(2), 423-438.
  17. [1996] R. Ghrist and P. Holmes, “An ODE whose solutions contain all knots,” Intl. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 6(5), 779-800.
  18. [1995] R. Ghrist, “Flows on S3 supporting all links as orbits,” Electronic Research Announcements of the AMS, 1(2), 91-97.
  19. [1994] R. Ghrist and P. Holmes, “Knotting within the gluing bifurcation,'' in IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinearity and Chaos in Engineering Dynamics, J. M. T. Thompson and S. R. Bishop, Ed., John Wiley Press, 299-315.
  20. [1993] R. Ghrist and P. Holmes, “Knots and orbit genealogies in three dimensional flows,'' in Bifurcations and Periodic Orbits of Vector Fields, NATO ASI Series C, Volume 408, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 185-239.