Math 371 course page

Syllabus, Homeworks


TR 10:30-noon DRL 4C2


First midterm: Feb 11, in-class

Second midterm: Apr 26, in-class

Office hours:

DRL 3N4B, TR noon-1:00pm or by appointment.

Ben's office hours, MW 12:30-1:30


Artin: Algebra, but mainly I will follow my own notes.


1. Introduction to rings; number theory in rings

Treat: Fermat's Last Thm for n=3

2. Galois theory

Treat: No "quadratic formula" for degree 5 equations; describe geometric objects constructible using compass and straightedge

3. Module theory

Treat: finitely generated modules over PID's

4. Group representations

Treat: Every group of order p^a*q^b is solvable.

If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to write an anonymous comment (see below) or send an email to mhabli at

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