Math 371 -- Home Page

Instructor: Tony Pantev
Lectures: MWF 10am-11am, DRL 4C6
Office: 3E4 David Rittenhouse Laboratory
Office Hours: MW at 4-5pm and by appointment.
Email address:
Office phone: (215) 898-5970

Info pages for undergraduate math:


Course guide:

Teaching Assistant: Zhaodong Cai

  1. M. Artin Algebra, Pearson, (first or second edition)
  2. Additional handouts to be posted on this page.


Laboratory Sessions: These are scheduled every week on Tuesday or Thursday evening, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, room DRL 3C2. During alternate weeks these will serve as problem sessions where you will individually present your solutions to the homework problems (see below). On the other alternate weeks, Mr. Cai will hold sessions devoted to PAST problem sets and the `A' problems (see below). Attendance at weekly labs. is mandatory .

Homework: Homework is an extremely important part of this course. Homework problems will be posted weekly each Monday on this page. The homework assigned during a certain week is due in your TAs mailbox by 4pm on Friday of the following week. There will be two types of homework problems: A and B. Type A problems are assigned each week, whereas B problems are assigned every other week. While the A problems are more or less standard exercises, the B problems will be more substantial and sometimes quite difficult. You may work together in small groups of your own choosing on these problems, although each student's write-up should be his/her own. On each assignment you hand in, write down the names of anyone you collaborated with. Occasionally there will be optional `C' problems which are meant as extra credit; people looking for a challenge are encouraged to attempt them! The C problems should be turned in on a separate sheet of paper directly to Mr. Cai.

Groups: As mentioned above, you may work in groups on homework assignments, and report during our evening sessions individually but as group members on the B part of the assignment. Each group should have 3-5 members, and everyone in the same group should be giving and taking (if you are always giving or always taking, you are in the wrong group and should switch groups). I encourage you to work together on the homework; sharing ideas and discussing arguments with others is a big help.

Exams: We will have three hour exams during the course. The exams will take place during lecture on September 27, on October 30, and on December 9.

Grading Policy: The final grades will be determined by giving a 40% weight to homework and a 20% weight to each exam. While your exam score is numerical, the homework grade consists of your written performance and your presentations at the evening sessions. Participating in class and working on extra credit C problems is encouraged and will help to improve your grade.