A Photo Gallery

These photos were taken at my birthday conference in June of 1996, at the University of Pennsylvania. The ones that are marked with "SW" were taken by Stan Wagon, those marked with "AN" by Albert Nijenhuis, and the others were taken by members of my family. Unauthorized reproduction of any of these photos for commercial purposes is prohibited.
  1. Fraenkel, Zeilberger, Wilf and Flanders SW
  2. Albert Nijenhuis
  3. Carsten Thomassen
  4. Don Knuth
  5. Don Knuth AN
  6. Don Knuth AN
  7. Knuth and Zeilberger SW
  8. Ebad Mahmoodian AN
  9. Paul Erdös
  10. Paul Erdös
  11. Harley Flanders AN
  12. Wilf, Nijenhuis, Spencer, Hoffman
  13. Joan Hutchinson
  14. Mike Albertson
  15. Nancy Blachman and Neil Calkin
  16. Robin Wilson
  17. Fraenkel, Thomassen and Nijenhuis SW
  18. Aviezri Fraenkel and Jim Propp SW
  19. Nijenhuis and Erdös SW
  20. Cowen, Trenk, Knuth and Mahmoodian SW
  21. Andrews, Bollobás, Erdös, Selfridge, and others at a talk SW
  22. Boris Pittel and Joel Spencer SW
  23. Carla Savage and Don Knuth SW
  24. Curtis Greene SW
  25. Zeilberger, Knuth and Odlyzko SW
  26. Wilf, in Chinese restaurant  AN
  27. Wilf, Bollobás
  28. Wilf
  29. Wilf AN
  30. Wilf and Erdos  AN
  31. Janet Beissinger and Carsten Thomassen SW
  32. Selfridge, Erdös and Kleitman SW
  33. Odlyzko and Erdös SW
  34. Pete Winkler SW
  35. Richard Stanley, Michelle Wachs, Curtis Greene SW
  36. Ruth, Joan, Fan, Stan, and Paul AN
  37. Doris Schattschneider and Wilf SW
  38. Wagon, Garfield, Wilf, Fraenkel, Thomassen AN