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Probability and Combinatorics

Tuesday, December 3, 2019 - 3:00pm

Eyal Lubetzky



University of Pennsylvania

David Rittenhouse Lab 4C6

Consider the random surface separating the plus and minus phases, above and below the $xy$-plane, in the low temperature Ising model in dimension $d\geq 3$. Dobrushin (1972) showed that if the inverse-temperature $\beta$ is large enough then this interface is localized: it has $O(1)$ height fluctuations above a fixed point, and its maximum height on a box of side length $n$ is $O_P ( \log n )$.
We study the large deviations of the interface in Dobrushin’s setting, and derive a shape theorem for its ``pillars’’ conditionally on reaching an atypically large height. We use this to obtain a law of large numbers for the maximum height $M_n$ of the interface: $M_n/ \log n$ converges to $c_\beta$ in probability, where $c_\beta$ is given by a large deviation rate in infinite volume. Furthermore, the sequence $(M_n - E[M_n])_{n\geq 1}$ is tight, and even though this sequence does not converge, its subsequential limits satisfy uniform Gumbel tails bounds.
Joint work with Reza Gheissari.