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Philadelphia Area Number Theory Seminar

Wednesday, November 6, 2019 - 2:15pm

Michael Woodbury

Columbia University


Bryn Mawr College

Park Science Building, Room 328

Talk is scheduled to begin at 2:40 PM. Tea and refreshments will be served at 2:20 PM in the Math Lounge, Park Science Building, Room 361.

An important component of the prime number theorem is the fact from elementary group theory that the characters of a finite group are orthogonal to each other. This fact can be interpreted as an orthogonality relation for GL(1) automorphic forms, and in the case of GL(2) and GL(3) has a distinguished history and many applications including results about the distribution of Fourier coefficients of modular forms, and low lying zeros of L-functions. I will report on joint work with Dorian Goldfeld and Eric Stade in which we generalize these methods to GL(4).