Worked Sample Problems - Math 114

CHAPTER 9 - Parametrized Curves and Polar Coordinates

Section 9.4, page 741

Problem 6

We eliminate the parameter as follows:

>   solve({x=4*sin(t),y=2*cos(t)},{x,t});

{x = 2*(4-y^2)^(1/2), t = arccos(1/2*y)}

Or, of course x^2/2+y^2 = 4, which is an ellipse. We'll plot the whole thing, and also the part that is covered by the parametrization as to goes from 0 to Pi.

>   with(plots,display):

>   A:=plot([4*sin(t),2*cos(t),t=-Pi..Pi],color=red,thickness=1):

>   B:=plot([4*sin(t),2*cos(t),t=0..Pi],color=blue,thickness=3):

>   display({A,B},scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

The right half of the curve is traversed from top to bottom.

Problem 36

The point P rotates through the same angle as the wheel. So when the wheel has rotated clockwise through the angle theta, the center of the wheel has moved a*theta to the right. If the point P starts out at [0,a+b], then after the wheel has turned theta radians, it will be at [a*theta+b*sin(theta), a+b*cos(theta)]. Let's plot this curve, with a=2 and b=1, a=2, b=2 (cycloid) and a=2, b=3 (spoke is longer than the radius of the wheel):

>   plot({seq([2*t+k*sin(t),2+k*cos(t),t=0..4*Pi],k=1..3)},color=blue,thickness=2,scaling=constrained);

[Maple Plot]

Section 9.5, page 749

Problem 9

>   x:=2*t^2+3; y:=t^4;

x := 2*t^2+3

y := t^4

Tangent line:

>   tanline:=subs(t=-1,y)+subs(t=-1,diff(y,t)/diff(x,t))*(xx-subs(t=-1,x));

tanline := -4+xx

(we used xx as the variable on the line because x was already taken!)

>   second_deriv:=diff(diff(y,t)/diff(x,t),t)/diff(x,t);

second_deriv := 1/2

Problem 18

>   x:=t^3; y:=3*t^2/2;

x := t^3

y := 3/2*t^2

>   arclength:=int(sqrt(diff(x,t)^2+diff(y,t)^2),t=0..sqrt(3));

arclength := 7

Section 9.6, page 755

Problem 60

>   restart;

>   simplify(subs(x=r*cos(theta),y=r*sin(theta),(x-5)^2+y^2=25));

-10*r*cos(theta)+25+r^2 = 25

>   solve(%,r);

0, 10*cos(theta)

So the equation becomes r = 10*cos(theta).

Section 9.8, page 768

Problem 37

>   r:=1/(1+cos(theta));

r := 1/(1+cos(theta))

>   plot([r*cos(theta),r*sin(theta),theta=0..2*Pi],view=[-4..4,-4..4],color=blue,thickness=2);

[Maple Plot]

Clearly this is a parabola, vertex is when theta = 0, so directrix is the line when x=1.

Section 9.9, page 775

Problem 15

First plot, then solve for intersections and go from there:

>   r1:=6; r2:=3*csc(theta);

r1 := 6

r2 := 3*csc(theta)

>   plot({[r1*cos(theta),r1*sin(theta),theta=-Pi..Pi],[r2*cos(theta),r2*sin(theta),theta=-Pi/2..Pi/2]},color=blue,thickness=2,scaling=constrained,view=[-7..7,-7..7]);

[Maple Plot]

We want above the line and below the circle -- where do they intersect?

>   solve(r1=r2);


Looks like Pi/6 and 5*Pi/6 -- so we integrate:

>   area:=int(r1^2/2-r2^2/2,theta=Pi/6..5*Pi/6);

area := 12*Pi-9*3^(1/2)