Math 104 Spring 2015


Dr. Christopher Croke

  • Office: 3E3 DRL
  • Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30-1:30, and by appointment.
  • e-mail: ccroke at
  • phone: ext. 8-7846


    Rodrigo Barbosa

  • Office 3E6A DRL
  • Office hours: Tuesdays 10-11 and Fridays 10-11, and by appointment.
  • e-mail: barbosa at

  • General information about Math 104 can be found at


    Announcements will be on the canvas site. You should check there periodically.


  • [C] Thomas' Calculus Early Transcendentals SECOND Custom Edition for the University of Pennsylvania. Please check that your textbook comes with an access code for My Math Lab. Because this is a new edition, and because we are using My Math Lab, you will need to purchase a new textbook, available at the Penn bookstore.


    Besides the hours listed above, we are also available many other hours of the week by appointment. Please take advantage of these opportunities for help. Come in so that we can get to know you.


    Besides the office hours, there is lots of Calculus Help available.


    Since there is much material to cover in Math 104 and more problems to work through than we have time to cover in lecture or recitation, we have chosen core problems to help define the course. In addition, there is a set of Sample Final Exams . Together, the core problems and past finals define both the material of the course and the level of difficulty expected. Your objective is to understand thoroughly how to solve them and to develop some facility with the underlying mathematics.


    During each recitation there will be a 10-15 minute quiz taken from the homework assignment. There will be NO MAKE UP QUIZZES; however, you will be allowed to drop your lowest two quiz grades (absence). The quizzes combined count 10% of your grade. Recitations will begin with a discussion of the assignment due. The quiz will be given in the last 10-15 minutes of the period.


    Written Assignments

    Each week's assignment will consist of selected problems from the text and problems from past final exams. You are responsible for the entire assignment. Solutions must be written LEGIBLY and turned in at recitation. One or two of these problems will be graded, and a record kept of all the homework turned in. The written homework will count for 5% of the final grade.

    Online Assignments

    This homework is due by recitation. This is available at mymathlab and is graded automatically. The course ID is croke84182. You can try the problems as many times as you want until you get them right, see step-by-step hints, and watch videos containing the solution of similar problems. This will be worth 5% of the course grade.

    Pre-class Assignments

    Before class, you should read the assigned chapter and/or watch the corresponding lecture video. For each important theorem or formula, I recommend you write it down, make sure you can explain all of the variables in it, and translate it into plain English. Then do the pre-class preparation worksheet including the warm-up problem. I recommend doing all that two days before lecture. The day before lecture you should do extra practice, such as beginning the My Math Lab online homework or doing core problems. Here are some further guidelines about preparing for class: preparation guidelines. You will hand in your pre-class worksheets at the beginning of each lecture. They will count 10% towards your course grade.


    There will be two midterms given in class:

  • Tuesday February 17.
  • Tuesday March 24.

    Each midterm is worth 15% of the course grade. The exams will be closed book, and multiple choice with partial credit. No calculator is allowed but a 81/2" by 11" sheet of notes is permitted.


    The FINAL EXAM that is scheduled for Monday May 11 12:00-2:00. The exam is closed book, multiple choice with partial credit. No calculator is allowed but a 81/2" by 11" sheet of notes is permitted.


    The course grade is made up of 2 midterms at 15% each, quiz grade at 10%, homework at 10% (5% written and 5% online), pre-class worksheets at 10%, participation at 10%, and the common final grade at 30%.

    Incompletes (I's) will not be given to avoid F's.