Neel Patel

Conferences Attended

  1. Nonlinear Waves Summer School, IHES, France (July 2016)
  2. The Cauchy Problem in Kinetic Theory: Recent Progress in Collisionless Models, Imperial College, London (September 2015)
  3. Harmonic Analysis and PDE: A Conference in Honor of C. E. Kenig, University of Chicago (September 2014)
  4. KAM theory and Dispersive PDE, Universita Di Roma Sapienza, Rome (September 2014)

Other Activities

  1. Primary Organizer of Graduate Analysis Seminar, University of Pennsylvania Department of Mathematics. (August 2014-present)
  2. Master Teaching Assistant, University of Pennsylvania Department of Mathematics. (2014-present)
  3. Mathematics Representative to School of Arts and Sciences Student Government, University of Pennsylvania School of Arts and Sciences. (2013-2014)
  4. Math Department Open House Panelist, University of Pennsylvania Department of Mathematics. (2014, 2016)