First of all, I am surprised by the extent to which you agreed with the recommendations and looked forward, despite some fears, to being taught in these ways yourselves. The previous 106 class I taught had much more mixed feelings. The only place I saw a significant amount of disagreement was with the appropriateness to younger grades of some of the standards having to do with reasoning and proof. I find these reservations quite legitimate. My personal view is that the teacher should be well versed in reasoning and proof, so that at least they may recognize when children are developing these on their own and can encourage and foster this when it happens. The notion of justifying a statement is appropriate at any age, though I would substantially modify my expectations as to what a child might come up with, according to the age of the child. Some of you discussed the prospect of incorporating in your own future classrooms some of the teaching methods you have discussed or have been subjected to. I wanted to point out that there are many teaching methods possible for accomplishing the goal of teaching a deeper understanding of mathematics. In particular, the format of small-group and whole-class problem solving is not the only one that can accomplish the goals espoused in the Standards -- it is simply the best choice for me with students of your age and interests. That's one reason I asked you to watch the videos: Carmen Curtis is able to demonstrate teaching technique at the primary level that is beyond what I can model for you. The issue of communication in elementary mathematics is a subtle one. Of course, as teachers, it is obvious why you need to communicate effectively. Many of you supported the idea of teaching children communication skills in mathematics as well, so they can better relate the math they know to others. I think a more important reason to teach children to communicate mathematics as they are learning it is that the act of putting mathematics into words often either reveals something vague about one's understanding or solidifies a notion that has partly formed in one's head. If you believe the parts of the Standards that say children should be able to assess on their own whether arguments are valid, thereby taking "ownership" of the mathematics, then the ability to put one's intuitive ideas into words is paramount. Only by doing this, can anyone, child or adult, find the spots of vagueness in their understanding and remedy them. Others raised the issue of frustration with difficult or open-ended tasks, and with the confusion that results from learning in an open-ended environment. To some extent, you encounter frustration whenever you undertake something ambitious (sports, musical instruments, politics). I think if you are not sometimes experiencing frustration, you are not challenging yourself enough. When frustration gets in the way of learning, though, it is a problem. I try to ride the line between useful challenges and needless anxiety. One student quoted from the MAA recommendations to the effect that perhaps we can retrain students to respond to frustration in ways other than shutting down, and expressed the opinion that the real rewards of education are the intrinsic ones, which only come if the child's successes are in arenas that are sufficiently challenging. Finally, one person expressed the view that these recommendations were not news: there have always been math teachers teaching and promoting these ways of thinking, and that it seems almost obvious that a prospective teacher would want to have deep and flexible understanding. It's true, I have known such teachers all my life, though these are not the majority of the teachers I have encountered. None of these recommendations come out of thin air, but on the present political scene (and you would not believe how political math curricular decisions have become!), they do represent a significant shift in opinions, not necessarily of the public but of the people empowered to make decisions.