pinlabeler download

I wrote pinlabeler, a graphical extension to Colin Rourke's excellent figure labelling tex package pinlabel. With your latex file open in a text editor, pinlabeler opens a gv window showing your figure. Rather than manually copying coordinates from gv to your latex file, left-clicking in pinlabeler's gv window sends the coordinates to the latex file automatically. The coordinates are formatted for pinlabel. Version 0.3 adds the ability to customize the output for other similar uses.

It's written for POSIX systems using X. In theory it would work on a Mac using X. I haven't tried. It works on cygwin. Paulo Ney de Souza kindly wrote installation instructions specifically for cygwin.

Sadly, pinlabeler has no hope of working on Macs without X. Happily, Nathan Dunfield has written a similar program called labelpin designed to work on Macs not using X. It's written in python, so there's nothing to compile! Please check it out.

The newest version (2009-08-13) adds a requested new feature: pinlabeler-0.4.tar.gz
A slightly older version of the source code (a few bugs fixed on 2009-06-28): pinlabeler-0.3.tar.gz
A precompiled version for cygwin (compiled 2009-06-29): pinlabeler-0.3_cygwin.tar.gz
A precompiled version for Debian (compiled 2009-06-28): pinlabeler-0.3_debian.tar.gz
(To run a precompiled version, ignore the INSTALL instructions. Just decompress the tarball into $HOME/opt. Start pinlabeler with "$HOME/opt/pin". Instructions for use are in README. Once you get it running, you can set up a soft link in $HOME/bin. See the end of the INSTALL file for more information.)

Versions 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 differ only in a few advanced features which were specifically requested. Versions 0.3 and 0.4 have not been tested extensively, so they probably have a bug or two. See the end of the README for more information.

Another older version of the source code: pinlabeler-0.2.tar.gz
A precompiled version for cygwin: pinlabeler-0.2_cygwin.tar.gz
A precompiled (untested) version for Debian: pinlabeler-0.2_debian.tar.gz
(To run a precompiled version, ignore the INSTALL instructions. Just decompress the tarball into $HOME/opt. Start pinlabeler with "$HOME/opt/". Instructions for use are in README. Once you get it running, you can set up a soft link in $HOME/bin. See the end of the INSTALL file for more information.)

pinlabeler uses xse (written by George Ferguson) and a slightly modified version of gv. It was designed for (and is used by) copy editors of Mathematical Sciences Publishers. Comments are welcome.

There is some demand for an easy to install version of pinlabeler for Macs. I am Mac ignorant. If you are willing to help with this, then please contact me.

I can't resist posting some comments:

"Great piece of work - this is really nice!" -- Paulo Ney de Souza

"This is awesome!!!" -- Silvio Levy

"Pinlabeler is the most useful program I have downloaded in a long time." -- Andrew Putman

"It's going to be EXTREMELY useful." -- Colin Rourke

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