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Purpose of this Web-site

The purpose of creating this site is not to showcase myself to the world, but to share with the world whatever little intellectual output I produce as a human, with the hope that that somebody, somewhere might find something useful to develop further on it. Human beings have advanced as a species so dramatically only because of it's ability to communicate and pass on information to other individual of its species and eventually through generations. Otherwise genetically or physiologically we are the same Homo Sapiens Sapiens that left the Savanna grasslands to colonize the world some 30 thousand years ago. Placing a new-born from today's world inside a nomadic community of that time would create a hunter-gatherer, while one could easily expect an engineer/doctor/scientist out of a new-born from such a hunter-gatherer community if it's brought up in today's society. So it's the sum-total of the distributed knowledge and information that makes us human - held together as a coherent society of billions. Over the last few decades the progress in making this network of knowledge efficient has been unprecedented. The internet and the related communication technologies have probably been the next quantum leap in the progress of the human beings as an intelligent species. It's not enough that we individually produce output as intelligent beings for development of the civilization, but it's also essential that we make those output easily accessible to others so that whoever is capable of developing on top of it can do that freely and easily.

There are some poorly understood questions that would probably haunt any intelligent and conscious being in the universe. Most of them challenge the very existence of everything - Why does the universe exist and how it came into existence? Why did life come into existence? Why I, as an individual, exist?
In the present context let's add another question to that list: Why does this web-site exist? Well, the question is probably as pointless as that concerning the existence of the universe. But let's not duel too much on it. Instead, let's fill our glasses to the brim and then drink to the lees, for there is a lot exciting to explore, even if we remain forgetful of the great questions for a bit.

Page last modified on July 06, 2011, at 02:58 PM EST.
(cc) Subhrajit Bhattacharya