About myself

I am a $6^{th}$ year PhD student at UPenn supervised by Prof. Jonathan Block. My primary interest lies in (derived) higher differential geometry which is the study of an $(\infty,1)$-topos into which standard differential geometry faithfully embeds. In particular, I work on homotopy theory of $L_{\infty}$-algebroids and Lie $\infty$-groupoids. Topics I find fascinating also include index theory, $K$-theory, and mathematical physics. I am also interested in topological method in machine learning and deep learning. Before coming to Penn, I studied analysis/PDEs and geometric analysis at Cambridge and economics and mathematics at George Mason University.

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to .

ALbert Eistein

Previous affiliations

centre for mathematical sciences

University of Cambridge


Churchill college, cambridge



department of economics and international trade

chongqing university


Department of economics,

department of mathematical sciences

george mason university


Qingyun(Andy) Zeng