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Graphics tools >>
Jan 30, 2006

My fascination with fractals began when I were a little kid. Here you'll find a collection of simple programs I created for drawing simple fractal structures.


  1. Fractal Creator - A simple GUI program to draw fractals using affine transformations - Runs on Windows XP or higher platforms: Visual Basic code + Self-contained Installer (1.81 MB)
  2. Simple GUI tool to plot various Julia and Mandelbrot sets - Runs on Windows XP or higher platforms: Visual Basic code (5.31 KB)
  3. Fractal Creator for MS-DOS: QBasic code + EXE file (58.4 KB)

Projects Fractals

Page last modified on January 30, 2010, at 09:22 PM EST.
(cc) Subhrajit Bhattacharya