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Web-Apps >>
Conference Photo Manager (standalone)
Oct 19, 2010

Introduction: I have managed and developed several conference web-sites. Typically they are Drupal or Wiki sites with customizations. Among many such customizations one significant one was setting up of a system for managing (uploading and displaying) photos taken by various people during the conference. Initially the sole aim was to let students upload photos using a web interface for participation in a "Student Photo Contest" (as a student activity at the conference). However soon requests for uploading and displaying non-contest photos started coming. Thus this stand-alone web application came into existence.

Features include:

  • A light-weight web interface for letting people upload photos. The administrator can set the number of files and set limit on file size that people can upload. In addition it can accept information like name, affiliation, email, agreement to terms & condition, ask if the photo is participating in student photo contest, etc.
  • A display/view page for displaying the photos. There are several settings on the level of details to be displayed in the view that can be passed as $GET parameters. A web-interface administrator can selectively or in bulk hide/show photos uploaded through the web-form.
  • The ability to bulk-upload photos from the server-side into the upload folder. This saves the painstaking task of uploading a few photos at a time through the web-form.

Working demo 1: (upload page) (view page)
Working demo 2: (upload page) (view page) [uses latest version]
Working demo 3: (upload page) (view page)
Demo of an older version (integrated with Drupal): (upload page) (view page)

Download: (Licensed under GNU-GPL)
Requirements: LAMP server with Imagemagick installed
Credits: The 'Terms and Conditions' page accompanying the web-app was drafted by Tamas Haidegger

(Read README.txt for more details on installation and use.)

  1. Put the following files in a web folder
    • config.php
    • upload.php
    • view.php
    • PhotoContestTerms.php
    • style.css
  2. Open config.php and make changes to the appropriate variables (most are quite self-explanatory). Make sure you set the database access variables properly.
  3. Open and edit and PhotoContestTerms.php to customize them.

Projects IT PHP

Page last modified on November 07, 2011, at 10:35 PM EST.
(cc) Subhrajit Bhattacharya