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Geometry-Topology Seminar

Thursday, November 14, 2024 - 3:30pm

Robert Lipshitz

U Oregon and IAS


University of Pennsylvania




Khovanov homology is a refinement of the Jones polynomial of a knot. Recently, there have been a number of exciting applications of Khovanov homology to 4-dimensional topology. In this talk, we will use an indirect approach to re-prove one of these results, that Khovanov homology distinguishes some pairs of disks in the 4-ball. Our proof uses a relationship between the Khovanov homology of a strongly invertible knot and its quotient, coming from a stable homotopy refinement of Khovanov homology.


This is joint work with Sucharit Sarkar. Most of the talk should be fairly broadly accessible; in particular, it will not assume knowledge of Khovanov homology.

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