Quick Reference
- American Mathematical Society (AMS):
- AMS Home Page
- AMS Mathematics Calendar
- Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) [both browse and keyword lookup]
- Mathematical items sorted by MSC Classification
- MR Lookup
- MRef Add links to MathSciNet in your bibliography.
- European Mathematical Society (EMS): Information Service, Publishing House
- Science Lives Simons Foundation: Fascinating intervews of significant scientists.
- Library: including MathSci, Zentralblatt, Electronic Journals.
- Google Scholar
- Preprint Archives
- Other Mathematics Information Servers Math.Dept. Web Servers
- Awards and Prizes in Mathematics ([UIUC]
- Finding the address of a mathematician.
- TeX
- AMS Index of Mathematical Software
- Hilbert's Problems
Sources of Mathematics Information
Look Here First
- The American Mathematical Society AMS Home Page, probably the best starting point for finding mathematical resources.
- European Mathematical Society (EMS): Information Service, Publishing House
- Google Scholar:
Preprint Archives
- Front End for the arXiv
- US Dept of Energy OSTI's E-print server: Home, Individuals, Groups
Gateways to Mathematics on the Internet
- V. Arnold problems and Interview
- Math on the Web (AMS)
- mathtube (Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences)
- DML: Digital Mathematics Library
- Major E-journal Providers
- Some Free Online Books
- Electronic Books
- Virtual Mathematics Museum Superb graphics.
- Florida State University's WWW Virtual Library: Mathematics
- Math Archives Teaching beyond high school.
- Math Forum
- Science Resources
- Yahoo Mathematics Section
- Science Direct Mathematics Journals (free access)
Organizations of Interest to Mathematicians
- AIP, The American Institute of Physics
- AMS, The American Mathematical Society.
- CIRM , Mathematics and Mathematicians in France.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory CNLS, Center for Nonlinear Studies.
- DIMACS, The Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
- EMS, European Mathematical Society
- Fields Inst The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences (Toronto)
- IAS, The Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton).
- ICTP, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste, Italy)
- IHES Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (Bures-sur-Yvette, France)
- IMA The Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (Minneapolis).
- International Mathematical Union.
- MAA, Mathematical Association of America
- Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
- Max-Planck-Institut-fur Mathematik (Bonn)
- MSRI, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Berkeley).
- The National Academy of Science (USA)
- NSF WWW Home Page, the National Science Foundation.
- Newton Inst Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
- ESI Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics (Vienna)
- SIAM The Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics.
- Steklov Mathematical Institute
Mathematics Departments with Special Resources
- Karlsruhe, home of Zentralblatt.
- University of Florida (last updated 1997) Bibliographies on
- U. Mass GANG, the University of Massachusetts Center for Geometry, Analysis, Numerics, and Graphics.
- Geometry Center, Includes interesting interactive graphics.
- General
Directory of Mathematics Departments
- Other Mathematics Information Servers (Probably the most complete) international list, from Penn. State.)
- Directory of Institutions in the Mathematical Sciences (primarily North America)