TeX Sources and Utilities
- CTAN, the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network attempts to have everything: packages, fonts, etc.
- CTAN Web Home Page ( List of CTAN sites, worldwide )
- TeX and LaTeX Catalogue Packages and Tools (same as above).
- Including Graphics in LaTeX by K. Hoppner.
- Viewing TeX/LaTeX files on the Internet. Two reasonable procedures are to convert to a PDF file or to use a program that converts to html.
- Convert to PDF (my preference): save the document as a pdf file, either by converting the .ps file to .pdf using, say, ps2pdf (on Unix/Linux) or else by using pdflatex. I use ps2pdf. While pdflatex has some advantages, it is a bit buggy and it's pdf files are longer.
- TeX/LaTeX to html converters (see also W3 Org's Math. Page -- primarily discusses MathML).
One standard uses LaTeX2HTML This converts non-text (such as formulas) to gif that all WWW graphic browsers can display. Useful but far from perfect.
- Making SLIDES: Use "beamer" or "prosper." They come with a number of predefined styles. See Beamer (and Beamer article) I
Some people might prefer the package "talk". It has simple defaults, especially it lets you change between styles very easily for individual slides.
- Check out amsrefs 2.0, a LaTeX extension package (an alternative to BibTeX) for use in preparing bibliographies.
Also try MRef, a tool for creating standard references with links to MathSciNet.
- test.dvi Test if you can view TeX dvi files. If you can view dvi files outside of WWW, you should be able to see this by adding dvi as a MIME type.
- The TeX Family in 2009. Recent developments.
- TeX, LaTeX, etc. Frequently Asked Questions. Look here before asking others: TeX FAQ (UK TuG).
- TeX Resources (UIUC)
- References for TeX and Friends (HTML version)
- TeX Cookbook: dvi, and PDF -- from MathPro Press.
- Valuable LaTeX book with useful details about AMSLaTeX: Math into LaTeX by George Gratzer. The Fourth Edition (2007) is published by Springer-Verlag. [Download: First Edition (PDF) ;
- Try LaTeX Online. This works in a browser window -- so to try this you don't install any software on your own computer. You type in your own text in the left window -- or just modify the sample there). Then press "Result Preview" at the top of the left window. The output appears in the right window (after you scroll-down a bit).
- Some recent LaTeX tools.
- David R.Wilkin's primer "Getting Started with LaTeX"
- Customize the size of the paper, page, text width, height, margin, etc.: LaTeX Page Layout 1 and LaTeX Page Layout 2
- Standard LaTeX Symbols,
LaTeX Math Symbols
Comprehensive list of LaTeX Symbols
LaTeX Special Characters (Wikibooks). Maybe use XeTeX (Unicode: UFT-8)
- TeX Related Publications (from the AMS)
- TUG (TeX Users Group) and their list of Interesting URLs
Metafont sources, AMS Fonts page.