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Galois Seminar

Tuesday, February 4, 2025 - 12:00pm

Nadav Gropper

University of Pennsylvania


University of Pennsylvania

DRL 4E19

Note the nonstandard time and location!

Arithmetic Topology, first pioneered by Mazur in 1963, draws analogies between number theory and low dimensional topology, primes and knots, and surface and p-adic fields. On one hand, quantum field theory can be expressed in terms of the geometry and topology of low-dimensional manifolds, on the level of states (via the Atiyah-Segal) and on the level of observables (via the Beilinson–Drinfeld). Thus, as first proposed by Minhyong Kim (in his Arithmetic Chern-Simons Theory), one can try and find arithmetic versions of quantum field theoretic ideas.

In the talk, I will introduce a new general framework for (d+1)-dimensional arithmetic TQFT using pro-p groups with a Poincare duality. I will explain the classification of such TQFTS for the (1+1)-dimensional case, in terms of Frobenius algebras with some extra structure, this enables us to study pro-p cobordisms and TQFTs for p-adic fields and surfaces at the same time. If time permits, I will outline how we use the above to compute a Dijkgraaf-Witten like invariants for G, a finite p-group, to get formulas for counting covers of Surfaces/p-adic fields with Galois group G (these formulas are similar to the ones given by Mednykh for surfaces using TQFTs, and by Masakazu Yamagishi using a more algebraic approach).

The talk is based on joint work with Oren Ben-Bassat.
No prior knowledge of Topological Quantum Field Theory or Arithmetic Topology will be assumed.

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