The size of the nucleus scales robustly with cell size so that the nuclear-to-cell size—the N/C ratio—is maintained during growth in many cell types. To address the fundamental question of how cells maintain the size of their organelles despite the constant turnover of proteins and biomolecules, we consider a model based on osmotic force balance, which predicts a stable nuclear-to-cell size ratio, in good agreement with experiments on the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We model the synthesis of macromolecules during growth using chemical kinetics and demonstrate how the N/C ratio is maintained in homeostasis. We compare the variance in the N/C ratio predicted by the model to that observed experimentally.
MathBio Seminar
Monday, May 6, 2024 - 4:00pm
Thomas Fai
Brandeis University
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