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Geometry-Topology Seminar

Wednesday, December 11, 2013 - 3:00pm

Ana Rita Pires

Cornell University


University of Pennsylvania


Note unusual day and time for this seminar.

The topology of a toric symplectic manifold can be read directly from its orbit space (a.k.a. moment polytope), and much the same is true of the topological generalizations of toric symplectic manifolds and projective toric varieties: quasitoric manifolds, topological toric manifolds and torus manifolds. An origami manifold is a manifold endowed with a closed 2-form with a very mild degeneracy along a hypersurface, but this degeneracy is enough to allow for non-simply-connected and non-orientable manifolds. In this talk we examine how the topology of a toric origami manifold can be read from the polytope-like object that represents its orbit space and how these results hold for the appropriate topological generalization of the class of toric origami manifolds, which includes quasitoric manifolds, and some torus manifolds. These results are from ongoing joint work with Tara Holm.