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Analysis Seminar

Thursday, April 23, 2020 - 3:00pm

Samuel Punshon-Smith

Brown University


University of Pennsylvania

Zoom Talk

In this talk, I will discuss the long time behavior of a passive scalar undergoing advection diffusion by an incompressible fluid solving the stochastic 2d Navier-Stokes equations (or number of other stochastic fluid models in 3d). Specifically I will explain a recent result that uses a positive Lyapunov exponent for the Lagrangian flow to prove almost-sure exponentially fast mixing of the scalar with a rate that is uniform in the diffusivity parameter \kappa. This uniform mixing implies that the scalar has an enhanced L^2 dissipation effect with an optimal |\log{\kappa}| time scale and that, in the forced equilibrium setting, the scalar exhibits a 1/k power spectrum, know as Batchelor's law. 

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