Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics
Model theory with connections to combinatorics
Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics
Geometry, topology, and data science
AMCS Graduate Coordinator
Associate Professor of Statistics and Data Science
Nonparametric statistics, distribution-free inference, networks analysis, graphical models, statistical learning, combinatorial probability, discrete and computational geometry
Professor of Mathematics
K-Theory, Differential Geometry and Index Theory, Operator Algebras.
Professor of Mathematics
Francis J. Carey Term Chair 2007-2012
Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry.
Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics
Differential Geometry, Calculus of Variations, Analysis of PDE’s
Professor of Mathematics
Number Theory, Algebraic and Hyperbolic Geometry.
Senior Lecturer
Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Differential Geometry.
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Fay R. and Eugene L. Langberg Professor
Elementary particle physics ranging from the study of basic interactions to experimental tests of fundamental theories.
Professor of Mathematics
Robert A. Fox Leadership Professor
Partial Differential Equations and Differential Geometry.
Grants Manager
Professor of Mathematics
Thomas A. Scott Professor of Mathematics & Graduate Chair
Mathematical Physics: Algebraic Geometry and String Theory
Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Thomas A. Scott Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Partial Differential Equations, Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Theory, Complex Analysis, Mathematics of Medical Imaging.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic geometry
Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics
Analysis of linear and nonlinear elliptic and parabolic second order integro-differential equations and its applications, calculus of variations and numerical analysis of nonlocal differential equations.
Senior Lecturer
Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Programming Semantics Categorical Algebra and Geometric Logic, Topology and Knot Theory.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Geometric topology and group theory
Professor of Computer and Information Science
Intelligent Systems: Computer Vision; Computer Graphics and Animation
Professor of Mathematics
Andrea Mitchell University Professor
Topological Methods in Applied Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics
Presidential Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic geometry and representation theory.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Central simple and Division Algebras, Brauer group, Quadratic Forms, K-theory and Galois Cohomology
Professor of Mathematics
Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Topology of Manifolds.
Professor of Mathematics Emerita
Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics.
Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics
Harmonic Analysis
Professor of Mathematics
Harmonic Analysis and PDE's, Geometric Combinatorics, Geometric Analysis
Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic Combinatorics, Computational Number Theory
Professor of Mathematics
Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor in the School of Arts and Sciences
Modern Galois theory and related areas of Algebra and Arithmetic Geometry
Professor of Mathematics
Fay R. and Eugene L. Langberg Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic structures and their symmetries
Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy
High Energy Theory.
Professor of Mathematics
Analysis of partial differential equations arising in stochastic optimal control, continuum mechanics, and the calculus of variations.
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Vicki and William Abrams Professor in the Natural Sciences
Problems in soft condensed matter theory.
Professor of Computer and Information Science
Henry Salvatori Professor
Algorithms and Complexity.
Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Partial Differential Equations, Differential Geometry, Applications of PDE.
Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Francis J. Carey Term Chair 1997-2002
Group Representations, Lie Groups
Professor of Mathematics
Presidential Professor of Mathematics
Algebra and arithmetic geometry
Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (AMCS)
Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics
Vertex operator algebras
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Nonlinear methods in differential geometry, partial differential equations, and geometric topology
Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (AMCS)
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic K-theory, its applications to number theory and manifold theory, and equivariant stable homotopy theory
Grants Manager
Professor of Mathematics and Biology
Calabi-Simons Professor in Mathematics and Biology
Mathematical Biology and Biophysics, Applied and Numerical Analysis
Toshiyuki Ogawa
4N73 DRL
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations
Sr. Departmental Administrator
Professor of Mathematics
Class of 1939 Professor & Department Chair
Algebraic and differential geometry. Hodge theory and motives. Mathematical physics and string theory.
Professor of Mathematics
Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Endowed Professor in the School of Arts and Sciences
Modern Discrete Probability and Combinatorics
Professor of Biology
Walter H. and Leonore C. Annenberg Professor of Natural Sciences
Evolutionary biology and ecology
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Raymond S. Markowitz Faculty Fellow
Professor of Mathematics
Samuel D. Schack Professor of Algebra
Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Modern Galois Theory.
Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Computer Graphics and Instructional Use of Computers, Homotopy Theory, Algebraic Topology
Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Mathematical Physics, Operator Algebra
Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Senior Lecturer and Associate Director of the Undergraduate Program
Information Technology Support Specialist
Administrative Assistant
Professor of Mathematics
Logic, Information Assurance, Formal Grammars.
Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Class of 1939 Professor Emeritus
Surgery Theory, Topology of Manifolds and Stratified Spaces, Knot Theory, Transformation Groups.
Senior Lecturer
Visiting Faculty
Algebraic combinatorics.
Visiting Faculty
Algebraic topology, algebra as well as their applications to physics.
Professor of Mathematics
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics.
Associate Professor of Statistics and Data Science
Statistical machine learning, high-dimensional inference, large-scale multiple testing, optimization, and privacy-preserving data analysis
Graduate Group Administrator/Coordinator
Simons Postdoctoral Fellow in Mathematical Biology
Information Technology Support Specialist
Associate Business Manager
Undergraduate Assistant
Professor of Mathematics
Undergraduate Chair
Mathematical logic.
Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Differential Geometry.
Professor of Philosophy
Director of Logic, Information, and Computation Program
Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Cognitive Science -
Hans Rademacher Instructor of Mathematics
Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (AMCS)
Partial Differential Equations; Numerical and Applied Analysis; Scientific Computing
Professor of Mathematics Emeritus
Francis J. Carey Term Chair 2002-2006
Differential Geometry.