Akshay Venkatesh | Fall 2022 | The Weil representation Topology of surface bundles Square classes of symplectic L-functions |
Eva Bayer Fluckinger | Spring 2020 | Isometries of lattices and local-global principles Even, unimodular lattices and a question of Gross and McMullen Local-global principles in number Isometries of quadratic forms and a question of Milnor Some rational and integral Hasse principles |
Gigliola Staffilani | Fall 2019 | Some results on the almost everywhere convergence of the Schrodinger flow. The NLS and its Gibbs measure The phenomenon of transfer of energy for solutions to the 2D periodic NLS The many different ways one can study periodic nonlinear Schrodinger equations (NLS) |
Alexander S. Kechris | Fall 2018 | A descriptive set theoretic approach to problems in harmonic analysis, dynamical systems and combinatorics: Lecture I. Set theory and trigonometric series Lecture II. The complexity of classification problems in ergodic theory Lecture III. Dynamics of non-archimedean groups, logic, and Ramsey theory Lecture IV. Descriptive graph combinatorics |
Paul Baum | Spring 2018 | K-THEORY AND THE DIRAC OPERATOR: What is K-theory and what is it good for? The Dirac operator The Riemann-Roch Theorem Beyond Ellipticity |
Jacob Lurie | Spring 2018 | The Siegel Mass Formula and Weil's Conjecture Nonabelian Poincare Duality The Cohomology of Bun_G(X) Weil's Conjecture for Function Fields |
Bjorn Poonen | Fall 2017 | Undecidability in number theory Undecidability in group theory, analysis, and topology Undecidability everywhere Elliptic curves and the number 21 |
Lisa Jeffrey | Spring 2017 | Flat connections on 2-manifolds The based loop group The real locus of a symplectic manifold |
Claude LeBrun | Fall 2016 | Four-Manifolds, Einstein Metrics, and Differential Topology |
Hélène Esnault | Spring 2016 | Some Lefschetz theorems in algebraic arithmetic geometry |
Andre Neves | Fall 2014 | Min-Max Methods in Geometry |
Nigel Hitchin | Fall 2014 | The Higgs bundle moduli space |
Edward Witten | Spring 2014 | A New Look at the Jones Polynomial of a Knot [ArXiv Lecture Notes} |
Ben J. Green | Fall 2013 | Approximate algebraic structure and applications |
Cedric Villiani | Spring 2013 | Riemann, Boltzmann and Kantorovich go to a party |
Avi Wigderson | Fall 2012 | Computational Complexity and Mathematics |
Sylvain E. Cappell | Spring 2012 | Introduction to a Geometer's Toolbox |
Claire Voisin | Fall 2011 | Chow rings, decomposition of the diagonal and the topology of families |
Gunnar Carlsson | Spring 2011 | Topology and Data |
Carl Pomerance | Fall 2010 | Counting problems in elementary number theory |
John H. Coates | Spring 2010 | Iwasawa theory |
Lawrence C. Evans | Fall 2009 | Convexity, quasiconvexity and nonconvexity methods for nonlinear partial differential equations |
David Gabai | Spring 2009 | 3-dimensional hyperbolic geometry, taut foliations, knot theory and the topology of ending lamination space |
Charles Fefferman | Fall 2008 | Extension and Interpolation of Functions |
Robert Bryant | Spring 2008 | Differential Equations and Geometric Structures |
Hendrik W. Lenstra | Fall 2007 | Algorithms for ordered fields |
Peter Sarnak | Fall 2006 | Equidistribution and Primes |
Silvio Micali | Fall 2005 | From Trust to Reason |
Ib Madsen | Spring 2005 | On the Topology of Moduli Spaces of Riemann Surfaces |
Yuval Peres | Fall 2004 | Point Processes, The Stable Marriage Algorithm, and Gaussian Power Series |
Dan-Virgil Voiculescu | Spring 2004 | Aspects of Free Probability |
Richard E. Borcherds | Fall 2003 | Modular forms, Lie algebras & infinite products |
George E. Andrews | Spring 2003 | Rademacher, Ramanujan, Rogers and Partitions |
Harvey Friedman | Fall 2002 | Demonstrably Necessary Uses of Abstraction |
Noga Alon | Spring 2002 | Probabilistic and Algebraic Methods in Discrete Mathematics |
Alan Edelman | Fall 2001 | Linear Algebra: From Theory to Practice |
Dusa McDuff | Spring 2001 | Geometry and topology of groups of symplectomorphisms |
Ueli Maurer | Fall 2000 | Cryptography - Science of paradoxes |
Alexander Givental | Spring 2000 | Symplectic Topology from Hurwitz to Poincare |
S-T Yau | Spring 1999 | Mirror Symmetry |
Persi Diaconis | Fall 1998 | Patterns in Eigenvalues. |
Robert K. Lazarsfeld | Spring 1998 | Introduction: Abelian varieties and theta functions. |
Ronald R. Coifman | Spring 1997 | Adapted waveform analysis, a musical notation for functions. |
Yakov Eliashberg | Fall 1996 | Geometry and topology of affine complex manifolds. |
Richard M. Schoen | Spring 1996 | Variational Problems in Geometry. |
Benedict H. Gross | Fall 1995 | Exceptional Groups and Number Theory. |
Victor Guillemin | Spring 1995 | Geometric Quantization, Representation Theory, and Lattice Point Counting Problems. |
Angus Macintyre | Fall 1994 | The Logic of Subanalytic Geometry. |
William Fulton | Spring 1994 | Degeneracy Loci, Schubert Varieties, and Classical Groups. |
Simon Donaldson | Spring 1994 | Gauge Theory and 4-Manifold Topology Moduli Spaces of Flat Bundles over Surfaces Developments in Floer Homology Gauge Theory & Symplectic Geometry. |
Vaughan F. R. Jones | Spring 1993 | Knots I & II. von Neumann Algebras I & II. |
Ronald L. Graham | Fall 1992 | Quasi-Randomness in Combinatorics. |
Jean-Pierre Serre | Spring 1992 | The Riemann Hypothesis: Why? Prime Numbers, Galois Groups & Modular Forms. |
Don Zagier | Spring 1992 | Special Values of Zeta Functions. |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr. | Fall 1991 | Connections, Curvature and the Theory of Characteristic Residues Symmetric Products, Algebraic Cycles & Homology of Algebraic Varieties |
Stephen Smale | Spring 1991 | Chaos & Computation. |
A. A. Kirillov | Fall 1990 | The Orbit Method in Representation Theory. |
Izrael M. Gelfand | Spring 1990 | A-Discriminants, Hyperdeterminants and their Quantization. Some Problems Connected with Geometry, Old & New. |
Robert MacPherson | Spring 1990 | Intersection Homology and Perverse Sheaves from a Topological Point of View. |
Yuri I. Manin | Fall 1989 | Counting Rational Points on Algebraic Varieties. |
Clifford Taubes | Spring 1989 | Examples of Dirac Operators on Loop Spaces. |
Vladimir I. Arnold | Spring 1989 | Singularity Theory & Its Applications. |
Paul Erdos | Fall 1988 | Problems & Results in Extremal Graph Theory. Partitions. Problems & Results in Combinatorial Number Theory. |
Joseph Harris | Spring 1988 | Parameter Spaces and Moduli Spaces in Geometry |
Dennis Sullivan | Fall 1987 | Techniques of One-dimensional Dynamics Applied to Renormalization |
Jacques Dixmier | Spring 1987 | Some Aspects of Invariant Theory |
Michael Atiyah | Spring 1987 | Determinants of Dirac Operators |
Lazlo Lovasz | Spring 1986 | Algorithms for Lattices and Convex Bodies |
Barry Mazur | Spring 1986 | Representations of the Galois Group of Q and their Deformations |
Peter D. Lax | Spring 1985 | The Laplace-Beltrami Operator and Automorphic Functions. Applications to Number Theory |
Mikhael Gromov | Fall 1984 | Pseudo Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic Manifolds |
John H. Conway | Spring 1984 | Games, Groups, Lattices, Loops |
Richard G. Swan | Fall 1983 | Projective Modules Over Finite Groups |
Louis Nirenberg | Spring 1983 | Lectures on Non-linear Problems |
Dana Scott | Fall 1982 | Computability and Logic |
Edward Nelson | Spring 1982 | Physical Reality and Mathematical Form |
Robert Tarjan | Spring 1982 | Complexity of Combinatorial Algorithms |
Marcel Berger | Spring 1981 | Some Inequalities in Riemannian Geometry |
Michael Artin | Spring 1981 | Approximating Formal Power Series Solutions of Polynomial Equations and Finite Dimensional Representations of Rings |
Melvin Hochster | Spring 1980 | "Boundary" of Commutative Algebra |
Alain Connes | Spring 1979 | Von Neumann Algebras, Foliations, and the Index Theorem for Homogeneous Spaces of Lie Groups |
S. S. Chern | Fall 1978 | Moving Frames: Old and New Applications |
M. Schutzenberger | Spring 1978 | Mathematical Problems Raised by Kleene's Theorem |
John T. Tate | Spring 1978 | Recent Progress in Analytic Number Theory |
I. M. Singer | Spring 1978 | Some Problems in Global Differential Geometry Related to Quantum Field Theory |