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General Questions

  1. Can I get Advanced Placement (AP) or Transfer Credit for a course I took in High School or at another college -- or learned on my own? 
    See: AP and Transfer Credit and Advice for Firstyears.
  2. I am a Freshman. How can I decide which Math course I should take? 
    See: Advice for Firstyears
  3. How can I get a Permit to enroll in a closed or evening course?
  4. Can I receive Retroactive Credit for Math 1400 after I take a more advanced Math course?
  5. Can I switch from one calculus course to a more elementary one?
  6. Can I Retake a course?
  7. How can I get information about the Math Major? 
    See: Standard Math Major and Biological Math Major
  8. Which calculator do you recommend for math courses? 
    None of our courses use calculators -- but they do use mathematics software.
  9. How can I get information about the Math Minor? 
    See: Math Minor. See also:  SAS Program in Logic, Information, and Computation.
  10. Where can I find a Description of Math courses?
  11. My question is not answered here. Who can I contact?
    Send email to:   ugrad@ math . upenn . edu
  12. I have questions about the online Canvas Math Diagnostic Placement Exam, where can I get technical help or general information?
  13. Penn Math Search (Google):   
    [Does not search personal web pages]


  1. Penn's Three-Year Calendar lists the dates for:   Drop/Add,   Fall/Spring Breaks,   Start/End of the term,   Advanced Registration,   etc.
  2. The College Calendar (similar to the above Three-Year Calendar).
  3. What Math Courses are being given this semester?
  4. Where does my class meet (building, room, and time)?
  5. Final Examination Schedule and Rules
  6. When will Make-up Final Exams be given?
  7. When will Advanced Placement Exams be given?