Steps to declare the Biological Math Major:
- Declaration Period ends on Dec. 10th in the Fall and April 15th in Spring
- For Fall of 2023 beginng on Sept 19th: Go to Courseleaf Path to request to declare or remove your major (or it will not get updated to your transcripts) Request Submitted before Sept. will be denied
- Use this link to complete the top portion of our worksheet and email it to your assigned advisor.
- The advisor will contact you to review your worksheet for approval (If you need to make changes in the future to your course plan contact the advisor)
- Please allow 15 business days for it post. If it is not posted within 15 days, contact me at
- Once you enter your semester of graduation, email your Major Advisor to request to have your worksheet certified for graduation.
In addition to the standard Math Major we also have a Math Major program with concentration in Biological Mathematics.
Mathematical Biology is an area that is growing in importance. Many universities are establishing institutes and centers in this area, and are encouraging the development of courses in it. The Biological Mathematics concentration is intended to train Mathematics majors in key areas of biology, as well as in the core of discrete and continuous mathematics.
Mathematical models have been used in Biology for many decades, since the first simplistic models of population growth were devised by Malthus and others. Recently however, because of developments in our understanding of Biology at the molecular level, developments in discrete and continuous pure mathematics, and the development of computing, the complexity and diversity of mathematical models applied in the life sciences has increased tremendously.
For example, the need to solve problems associated with the assimilation, storage, retrieval and ultimate analysis of data areising from the Human Genome Project and similar projects, that is massive data sets containing long DNA sequences involves the use of complex existing computational methods directed specifically towards biological questions.
A second broad area of biology in which computational methods have for some time been used is in evolution and ecology. Many evolutionary processes when viewed from the genetic point of view involve equations of great complexity. Both mathematical and computational expertise are necessary in quantitative biology.
There are four different majors which combine biology with math or computer science:
- The biological mathematics concentration in the mathematics major
- The mathematical biology concentration in the biology major
- The computational biology concentration in the biology major
- The computational biology concentration in the computer science major
Only option 1 above is described below. For information about the other possibilities, please consult the Biology Department
The Biological Mathematics concentration in the Mathematics major consists of the following courses:
Mathematics (10 CU)
- Math 1040; Math 1410, or Math 1610; Math 2400
- Math 3140, Math 3600 (or 5080), 3610 (or 5090), 3700 (or 5020),
- Math 3200, Stat 4310
- One of the following: Math 2410, 4200, 4250 or 4800 (4800 only if life-science related as determined by the Mathematics Undergraduate Chair)
Biology (8.5 CU)
Track 1:
two of the following:
and three of the following
- Biol 4410 (Evolution of Populations) or Biol 4517 (Theoretical Population Biology)
- Biol 4536 (Computational Biology)
- Biol 4231 (Genome Science and Genomic Medicine)
- Biol 4110 (Systems Neuroscience)
- Biol 4825 (Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Superlab)
Other Science (1.5 c.u.):Chem 1011, Chem 1151 or Chem 1012
- or
- and the accompanying lab course in each case
Track 2
two of the following:
and two following:
- Biol 4517 (Thorectical Populations Biology)
- Biol 4536 (Computational Biology)
- Biol 4234 (Epigenetics)
- Biol 4110 (Systems Neuroscience)
- Biol 2810 (Biochemistry) or Biol 4825 (Molecular Genetics)
Other Science (1.5 c.u.):
- Chem 1011 or Chem 1011 or Chem 1102 or Physics 0151 and the accompanying lab course in each case
Making a total of 8.5 c.u. for the Biology side of the concentration.
The contact person for these concentrations is the Undergraduate Chair of the Mathematics Department. A student intending to undertake this concentration must meet with the Math Undergraduate Chair for approval of course choices.