Class of 1880 Prize: competition for first year students only
This year a first prize of $250 and a second prize of $150 will be awarded for the highest scores in a special mathematics competition (2 hour long exam with 4-5 problems). It is not necessary to know calculus to take this exam.
The 2024 class of 1880 competition will take place Tuesday April 16, 5-7pm in DRL A4. You can just show up to take the exam.
This exam is open to Penn first year students only.
Sample exam: The class of 1880 exam from April 19, 2016.
Sample exam: The class of 1880 exam from April 18, 2017.
Sample exam: The class of 1880 exam from April 17, 2018.
Sample exam: The class of 1880 exam from April 16, 2019.
Sample exam: The class of 1880 exam from April 6 2021
Sample exam: The class of 1880 exam from April 15 2022
The Mathematics Department Undergraduate Research Prize
Each year a prize of up to $250 will be awarded to the Penn undergraduate for the best project involving mathematical research. The amount of the prize will be determined each year by a Prize Committee appointed by the Undergraduate Chair, and will depend on the projects submitted. All projects should be sent to the Department of Mathematics, 4W1 David Rittenhouse Laboratory by March 10.
Moez Alimohamed Graduate Student Award for Distinguished Teaching in Mathematics
This award is given in the memory of Moez Alimohamed, an outstanding and inspiring teaching assistant. The award, in the amount of $500, will be presented annually to a graduate student in the Mathematics Department who has displayed this same commitment to teaching. Nominations for this award can be made by undergraduates and should be sent to ugrad AT, or the Department of Mathematics, 4W1 David Rittenhouse Laboratory by March 10.